“For the times, they are a-changin’”.
Bob Dylan’s words have never been more true, certainly in my lifetime.
Change abounds these days. Sometimes it feels like a tidal wave with enough force to crash complete systems and completely disrupt how we work and live.
But change can also turn longings of “if only we could” possibilities into new realities that surpass anything that existed before.
Not all change is created equal. At one end of the spectrum is the trivial and transitory, while at the other end lies that of greatest and lasting significance.
It is up to you to embrace, and ignite, the change that matters most to you.
You likely have a myriad of possibilities.
So how do you choose?
Well, you can begin by “illuminating” what matters most to you now.
What I’ve observed through my work in Illumify is that first and foremost, meaningful change is a relative concept. What is most meaningful may be unique to you. Others may not even be able to see it.
That’s in part because you are a distinct collection of experiences, expertise, insights, values and beliefs. As a result, you have a singular perspective that others may not have. You may see from 30,000 feet up and far into the horizon while others may see what’s just a few feet in front of them.
From your unique vantage point, you may know what could be, should be or must be – but isn’t yet.
So from those sight lines, here are a few questions that may help you determine what change you could invoke that would be most meaningful to you.
What or who is not being served well right now?
What would be significantly better?
Why is it worth taking action to achieve this?
Are you willing to work with purposeful precision to ignite this change?
And last but not least, can you accept what it is now? Or do you feel compelled to change it?
Your answers to these questions might surface an opportunity to make a significant change that will improve efficiencies, effectiveness and even your bottom line through a new strategy or initiative. And that could be a profitable endeavour.
But if you probe more deeply, perhaps you’ll envision a change meaningful enough to define your very purpose for being here. Something that perfectly aligns who you are with what you are here to do. It could even be your legacy.
And just how meaningful would that be?