Illumify Game Changer



The Illumify Game Changer for Executive Leaders is delivered personally and privately, one-on-one, by Marianne Gobeil, Founder and CEO, and applied directly to the communication of your leadership initiatives in real time. Without any added burden on your valuable time.

  • The Illumifier® diagnostic

    The Illumifier diagnostic reveals whether a leader is able to express what matters to them so that it also matters to those who can help them realize it.  It assesses each of the 150 items essentials to speaking so you are heard, understood and responded to by those listening. Applied to any spoken communication, such as a meeting conversation, presentation, speech or town hall, it calculates the effectiveness of each item to identify what the leader already excels at, where they need additional knowledge or skill, and what they may be doing, or not doing, that is impeding their ability to engage and influence others.
    The Illumifier is run initially to identify the executive leader’s current level of leadership communications capability, and repeatedly throughout the Illumify Game Changer to gauge the incremental increase in effectiveness and ensure they are able to integrate the principles and practices into every leadership opportunity.  Executives dramatically strengthen their capability, scoring on average a 37% increase in effectiveness.
  • The Illumify Method

    Our unique method of expressing leadership is founded on our own award-winning research that’s internationally recognized as the “best of the best”. It’s comprised of  principles and practices that are powerful and transformative, yet little known, including the 3-part Illumify formula for igniting significant change.
    The learning is also determined by the specific results and recommendations in the leader’s Illumifier report. It’s action-based so that the executive leader can apply it immediately and directly to their upcoming leadership opportunities.
  • Illumifying Questions

    Each part of Illumify (Illuminate, Amplify, Unify) evokes a unique collection of powerful questions posed and answered in masterfully facilitated conversations. Each question surfaces additional insight and clarity on expressing the exact words and actions that engage and align to advance your leadership initiative.
  • Executive Coaching

    Coaching to build high capability at illumifying and delivering communications that achieve optimal leadership impact and influence.
  • Strategic Communication Counsel

    Expert professional counsel to ensure that each communication fulfils its strategic purpose and advances the change essential to realizing the leader’s initiative.

The Illumify Game Changer for Executive Leaders is completed privately one-on-one, in person or virtually.


This was the most valuable learning since I completed my MBA program many years ago. If you’re ready to rethink, realign and reinvigorate your life in any way, I highly recommend Illumify.

Ann Bowman, Vice Chair, RBC Wealth Management, Royal Bank of Canada

The Illumify Game

Changer empowers you

to illuminate, amplify

and unify

so your change ignites —

and your leadership

impact soars.